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Build a parsed corpus

After parsing the word list for a corpus, you can build a new parsed corpus by combining your original citable corpus with the parsing results.

Load a corpus and corresponding parsing data

The text corpus:

import edu.holycross.shot.ohco2._
import edu.holycross.shot.cite._
// Load citable corpus
val textUrl = ""
val corpus = CorpusSource.fromUrl(textUrl, cexHeader = true)
val c108a = corpus ~~ CtsUrn("urn:cts:latinLit:stoa1263.stoa001.hc:108a")

The parsing data:

val fstUrl = ""
val fstLines = Source.fromURL(fstUrl).getLines.toVector

The combination:

import edu.holycross.shot.mid.orthography._
import edu.holycross.shot.latin._
import edu.holycross.shot.latincorpus._
val latc = LatinCorpus.fromFstLines(c108a,Latin23Alphabet, fstLines, strict=false)

Save it as CEX

Requires a URN manager:

import edu.holycross.shot.tabulae._
val urnManagerUrl = ""
val manager = UrnManager.fromUrl(urnManagerUrl)

All material developed by Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado and Neel Smith, and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0