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Contribution by Allison Attea


Aeolus was the god of the winds and ruler of the islands between Italy and Sicily. He was the son of Jupiter and Menalippa. Aeolus kept the winds shut away in caverns and would only let them loose when Jupiter told him to. He was the father of six sons and six daughters who all ended up marrying each other. Furthermore, he aided Odysseus on his journey home from Troy by giving him a bag of wind. After this gift, Aeolus never helped out the Greeks again.

Dictionary entry

Aeolus, Aeoli (masculine). See entry in Lewis-Short.

In Hyginus: 18 passages

  1. 1pr
  2. 3pr
  3. 3pr
  4. 5pr
  5. 60pr
  6. 61pr
  7. 65pr
  8. 125a
  9. 157a
  10. 186a
  11. 186a
  12. 186a
  13. 238_237
  14. 239_237
  15. 239_237
  16. 242_237
  17. 243_237
  18. 252_237

Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0