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Contribution by Lyra Chen


Aurora was the rosy-fingered goddess of the dawn. Her Greek name was Eos. Eos had an unquenchable desire for handsome young men, and often appeared in sexual poetry. One of her loves was the Trojan prince Tithonos. She petitioned Jupiter for Tithonos’s immortality, but she neglected to request eternal youth. In time he shrivelled up by old age, and Aurora turned him into a cicada. ref:

Dictionary entry

Aurora, Aurorae (feminine). See entry in Lewis-Short.

In Hyginus: 8 passages

  1. pr
  2. pr
  3. 189a
  4. 189a
  5. 189a
  6. 189a
  7. 189a
  8. 270_268

Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0