Module 3 - Expressions of Place and Time
Expressions of Place
Identify the bolded expression of place and translate the sentence.
Ex magnā urbe fēminās movēbant.
place from which; “They were moving the women away from the great city.”
Monstra centum pedes alta sunt.
accusative of extent of space; “The monsters are 100 feet tall.”
Rex et rēgīna ad castra cucurrērunt.
place to which; “The king and queen ran towards the camps.”
Puerī et puellae in rēgnō vīxērunt.
place where; “The boys and girls lived in the kingdom.”
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Expressions of Time
Identify the bolded expression of time and translate the sentence.
decimā horā fēminās ex magnā urbe movēbant.
time when in the ablative; “At the tenth hour, they were moving the women away from the great city.”
Puerī et puellae in rēgnō septem annōs vīxērunt.
length of time in the accusative; “The boys and girls lived in the kingdom for seven years.”
Rex et rēgīna ad castra quattuor horīs vēnērunt.
time within which; “The king and queen arrived at the camp within four hours.”
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