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Module 4 - Verbal Nouns and Adjectives

Present Infinitives

If the present infinitive shown is active, change it to passive and then translate the new form. If the present infinitive shown is passive, change it to active and then translate the new form.

  1. dūcere

  2. movēre

  3. punīrī

  4. appellāre

  5. iacī

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Perfect Infinitives

If the perfect infinitive shown is active, change it to passive (using the masculine nominative singular form of the participle) and then translate the new form. If the perfect infinitive shown is passive, change it to active and then translate the new form.

  1. aspexisse

  2. imperātus esse

  3. implētus esse

  4. dūxisse

  5. sensus esse

Infinitive Uses

Identify whether the bolded infinitive is subjective or complementary and then translate the sentence.

  1. incipere est difficile.

  2. ille discēdere poterit.

  3. in hortō sedēre licet.

  4. docēre carmina possum.


Produce the genitive gerund for the following verb forms.

  1. incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum - to begin

  2. discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessurus - to leave, depart

  3. amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus - to love

  4. doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus - to teach

Gerund-Replacing Gerundives

Translate the following sentence and phrases that contain GRGs.

  1. ad incipiendum iter

  2. ars scrībendōrum librōrum

  3. docendīs puellīs parat.

  4. rēgīnae iuvandae grātiā


Determine whether the gerundive is being used as a GRG, verbal adjective, or a part of a passive periphrastic.

  1. Puella docenda est.

  2. Puerī docendī in urbe vīxērunt.

  3. rēgīnae docendae grātiā vēnit.

Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0