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Module 5 - Questions

Enclitic -ne and Question Words

Translate the following questions.

  1. cūr puellae canēbant?

  2. vocēsne frātrum tuōrum audīvistī?

  3. vīdēruntne caput regis?

  4. unde agricola veniet?

Interrogative Pronoun and Adjective

Determine whether each of the following sentences uses an interrogative pronoun or an interrogative adjective, and then translate.

  1. Quem vīdistī?

  2. ā quō virō hostēs punientur?

  3. cui militī dux potestatem dedit?

  4. Quae dixit?

Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0