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Module 10 - Participles

Participle Identification

Identify the tense and voice of each of the following participles, and translate each literally.

  1. monitōs

  2. moventī

  3. punītūra

  4. ratus

  5. secutūrī

  6. facientia

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Participle Translation: Relative Clause

Translate the following sentences, rendering the participial phrases with a relative clause.

  1. legēs in librō illō scriptās lēgimus.

  2. vir pacem nuntiāns epistulam accēpit.

  3. socium mihi locutūrum vitāre nōn potuī. (vitāre, “to avoid”)

Participle Translation: Subordinate Clause

Translate the sentences that were in the last practice opportunity, this time with a subordinating conjunction of your choice, like “when”, “because”, “since”, “while” (with present participles), “after” (with perfect participles). Each given answer is just one example of a correct answer.

  1. legēs in librō illō scriptās lēgimus.

  2. vir pacem nuntiāns epistulam accēpit.

  3. socium mihi locutūrum vitāre nōn potuī. (vitāre, “to avoid”)

Ablative Absolute

Identify the ablative absolute and any words (objects, prepositional phrases, etc.) that belong to it; then translate the sentence. The given translation for each question is just one example of a correct answer.

  1. pater epistulīs scriptīs frātrēs mīsit.

  2. duce mīlitēs eius hortante hostēs veniunt.

  3. ad nāvem sapientī sociō nostrō ductī sumus.

Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0