Identify the purpose clause in the following sentences from Hyginus and translate.
Ubi Python sensit Latonam fortem esse, sequi coepit ut eam interficeret. “ut eam inteficeret; When Python understood that Lato was strong, he began to follow her in order to kill her.”
Agenor suos filios misit ut sororem reducerent. “ut sororem reducerent; Agenor sent his own sons to bring back their sister.”
At filii eius venerunt ut ad Athamentem transirent. “ut ad Athamentem transirent; But his brothers came so that they could cross over to Athamas.”
Alcinous inter eos stetit, ne bellarent. “ne bellarent; Alcinous stood between them so that they not go to war.”
Expressions of Purpose
Find the phrase that expresses purpose in the sentence and identify the Latin construction. Then, translate.
misit Absyrtum filium cum militibus armatis ad eam persequendam. “ad eam persequendam; GRG with preposition; He sent Absyrtus, his son, with armed soldiers to attack her.”
Diomedes, Thraciae rex, equos quattuor eius miserunt, qui hostes acribus dentibus peterent. “qui hostes acribus dentibus peterent; relative clause of purpose; Diomedes, the king of Thraces, sent his four horses to attack the enemies with their sharp teeth.”
Femina, lectura eius carmina, aquam bibit. “lectura eius carmina; future active participle; The woman, about/in order to recite her song, drinks water.”
Telegonus, Ulixis et Circes filius, missus a matre est ut patrem quaereret. “ut genitorem quaereret; purpose clause; Telegonus, the son of Odysseus and Circe, was sent by his mother to find his father.”
Repetitum eos profectus est. “repetitum eos; supine; He set out to find them.”