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Module 18 - Orders

Imperatives and Negative Prohibition

Translate the following sentences.

  1. illōs lībrōs ad mē ferte!

  2. cum patientiā rege! (patientia, -ae, f. - “patience”)

  3. nolī eōs aspicere!

  4. meam vocem audī! (vox, vocis, f. - “voice”)

  5. haec nē dīxerīs!

Jussive and Hortatory Subjunctive

Identify whether the sentence contains a jussive or a hortatory subjunctive, and then translate.

  1. ad nōs veniat.

  2. hortēmur mīlitēs nostrōs.

  3. ā cīvibus omnibus videāmur.

  4. pulchra carmina canant.

Indirect Commands

Translate the following indirect commands.

  1. pater mē monēbat ut discederem.

  2. dux eīs imperat nē ab hostibus currant.

  3. magister discipulōs hortātus est ut cautē legerent. (cautē (adv.) - “carefully”)

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Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0