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Module 20 - Adjective and Adverb Degrees

Comparative Adjectives

Form the comparative of the given adjective in the given gender, case, and number.

  1. pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum - neuter genitive plural

  2. ferox, ferocis - feminine accusative singular

  3. facilis, facile - masculine nominative plural

  4. celer, celeris, celere - neuter accusative plural

Quam and Ablative of Comparison

If a comparison is made with quam, rewrite the quam phrase as an ablative of comparison, and vice versa. Then translate.

  1. hostēs nostrī ferociorēs quam nōs erant.

  2. frātrēs dīcunt matrem nostram sapientiorem patre esse.

  3. mīlitibus victīs, iter longius proeliō fēcimus. (proelium, -ī, n. - “battle”)

Superlative Adjectives

Form the superlative of the given adjective in the given gender, case, and number.

  1. longus, longa, longum - neuter genitive plural

  2. ferox, ferocis - feminine ablative singular

  3. fortis, forte - masculine dative plural

Irregular Adjectives

Identify the degree of each adjective in the following sentences and translate.

  1. mater nostra cēnam maximam quam vīdimus parāvit.

  2. carmen novum eius pēius priōre est.

  3. puella cui rōsam dedī simillima mihi erat.

Adverb Degree

Identify the degree of each adverb in the following sentences and translate.

  1. cum ferōcius pugnārēmus, tamen victī sumus.

  2. rex epistulam celerrimē scripsit.

  3. illum magnopere amō. utinam mē amet!

  4. carmina haec facile didicistī.

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Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0