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Contribution by Erin Eason


Daedalus is an architect, craftsman, and artist. In classic mythology, he was seen as a symbol for wisdom, knowledge and power. Originally he was from Athens, but was exiled to Crete because he killed his apprentice, Perdix, whom he was jealous of. He is the father of Icarus. A famous story he is known for is being imprisoned in a labyrinth by King Minos of Crete and escaping with his son by using wings made of wax.

Dictionary entry

Daedalus, Daedali (masculine). See entry in Lewis-Short.

In Hyginus: 10 passages

  1. 39pr
  2. 39pr
  3. 40pr
  4. 40pr
  5. 40pr
  6. 40pr
  7. 44pr
  8. 244_237
  9. 274_268
  10. 274_268

Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0