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Contribution by Nick Tormey


In Hyginus, Scylla is a sea monster with four eyes, six heads with razor-sharp teeth, twelve tentacles, and six dog’s heads around her waist. She attained this form after the goddess Circe was jealous of her relationship with Glaucus. Circe then poisoned the water in which Scylla bathed, transforming her into a monster.

Dictionary entry

Scylla, Scyllae (feminine). See entry in Lewis-Short.

In Hyginus: 12 passages

  1. pr
  2. pr
  3. 125a
  4. 151a
  5. 170a
  6. 198a
  7. 198a
  8. 199a
  9. 199a
  10. 199a
  11. 255_237
  12. 273_268

Material on this site includes contributions from Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado,Neel Smith, Timothy Joseph and Natasha Binek, and and available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license CC BY-SA 4.0