1. Irregular Adverbs

Irregular Adverbs

While many adverbs formed from irregular adjectives follow the same rules of formation described in the previous unit, some forms, including positive degree forms, are irregular. Check out the following chart, with irregular or unexpected forms in bold.

Positive Comparative Superlative
bene, “well” melius, “better” optimē, “best”
multum, “much” plūs, “more” (quantity) plūrimum, “most, very much”
magnopere, “greatly” magis, “more” (quality) maximē, “most, especially”
parum, “little, not very much” minus, “less” (quality) minimē, “least”
(none) prius, “before, earlier” prīmō, “first (in time), at first”; prīmum, “first (in a series), in the first place”
diū, “for a long time” diūtius, “longer” diūtissimē, “longest, very long”

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