Nouns - Paradigms

First Declension

puella, puellae, f. - girl

Case Singular Plural
Nominative puell-a puell-ae
Genitive puell-ae puell-ārum
Dative puell-ae puell-īs
Accusative puell-am puell-ās
Ablative puell-ā puell-īs

Second Declension Masculine

maritus, maritī, m. - husband

Case Singular Plural
Nominative marit-us marit-ī
Genitive marit-ī marit-ōrum
Dative marit-ō marit-īs
Accusative marit-um marit-ōs
Ablative marit-ō marit-īs

ager, agrī, m. - field

Case Singular Plural
Nominative ager agr-ī
Genitive agr-ī agr-ōrum
Dative agr-ō agr-īs
Accusative agr-um agr-ōs
Ablative agr-ō agr-īs

Second Declension Neuter

exemplum, exemplī, n. - example

Case Singular Plural
Nominative exempl-um exempl-a
Genitive exempl-ī exempl-ōrum
Dative exempl-ō exempl-īs
Accusative exempl-um exempl-a
Ablative exempl-ō exempl-īs

Third Declension Masculine/Feminine

mater, matris, f. - mother

Case Singular Plural
Nominative māter* mātr-ēs
Genitive mātr-is mātr-um
Dative mātr-ī mātr-ibus
Accusative mātr-em mātr-ēs
Ablative mātr-e mātr-ibus

* Nominative forms of third declension nouns are highly variable; there is no one set or common ending.

Third Declension Masculine/Feminine i-stem

urbs, urbis, f. - city

Case Singular Plural
Nominative urbs* urb-ēs
Genitive urb-is urb-ium**
Dative urb-ī urb-ibus
Accusative urb-em urb-ēs
Ablative urb-e urb-ibus

* Nominative forms of third declension nouns are highly variable; there is no one set or common ending.
** Note the extra i in the genitive plural ending: -ium, rather than simply -um.

Third Declension Neuter

nōmen, nōminis, n. - name

Case Singular Plural
Nominative nōmen* nōmin-a
Genitive nōmin-is nōmin-um
Dative nōmin-ī nōmin-ibus
Accusative nōmen** nōmin-a**
Ablative nōmin-e nōmin-ibus

* Nominative forms of third declension nouns are highly variable; there is no one set or common ending.
** The accusative forms of all neuter nouns, adjectives, and pronouns exactly match their nominative counterparts within the same number (e.g., neuter accusative singular = neuter nominative singular).

Third Declension Neuter i-stem

mare, maris, n. - sea

Case Singular Plural
Nominative mare* mar-ia***
Genitive mar-is mar-ium***
Dative mar-ī mar-ibus
Accusative mare** mar-ia***
Ablative mar-ī*** mar-ibus

* Nominative forms of third declension nouns are highly variable; there is no one set or common ending.
** The accusative forms of all neuter nouns, adjectives, and pronouns exactly match their nominative counterparts within the same number (e.g., neuter accusative singular = neuter nominative singular).
*** Note the replacement of the normal ablative singlar ending -e with -ī and the extra i in the endings of the nominative, genitive, and accusative plurals.

Fourth Declension Masculine/Feminine

manus, manūs, f. - hand

Case Singular Plural
Nominative man-us man-ūs
Genitive man-ūs man-uum
Dative man- man-ibus
Accusative man-um man-ūs
Ablative man-ū man-ibus

Fourth Declension Neuter

genū, genūs, n. - knee

Case Singular Plural
Nominative gen-ū gen-ua
Genitive gen-ūs gen-uum
Dative gen-ū gen-ibus
Accusative gen-ū gen-ua
Ablative gen-ū gen-ibus

Fifth Declension Masculine/Feminine

rēs, reī, f. - thing, matter, situation, affair

Case Singular Plural
Nominative r-ēs r-ēs
Genitive r- r-ērum
Dative r- r-ēbus
Accusative r-em r-ēs
Ablative r-ē r-ēbus

diēs, diēī, m. - day

Case Singular Plural
Nominative di-ēs di-ēs
Genitive di-ēī di-ērum
Dative di-ēī di-ēbus
Accusative di-em di-ēs
Ablative di-ē di-ēbus

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