Vocabulary lists

The lists linked below give dictionary forms and very brief definitions for ca. 250 of the most frequently occuring words in Hyginus’ Fabulae. You can find very full entries with examples of usage in the searchable online version of Lewis and Short’s Latin Dictionary (from Furman University).

These 250 terms represent roughly 2/3 of all the words in Hyginus’ text!

The vocabulary lists use j and v for consonantal sounds, i and u for vocalic sounds. This is the same spelling convention that you will find in the Lewis-Short Dictionary. Remember that we often use texts with different spelling conventions (e.g., i for both consonantal and vocalic sounds), so that to find a vocbulary entry for a form like iussit (third singular perfect active indicative), you would look under j to find jubeo, jubēre, jussi, jussus.

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